"I get worried for young girls sometimes; I want them to feel that they can be sassy and full and weird and geeky and smart and independent, and not so withered and shriveled."
-Amy Poehler
#np - The Pit by Mouse Rat
#np - 5000 Candles in the Wind by Mouse Rat
Today is dedicated to the amazing TV show, Parks and Recreation. If you haven't watched it, what the hell are you waiting for? Get to it. Netflix, Hulu, whatever. And because it's so amazing, you get two songs from the on-screen band, Mouse Rat (formerly Teddy Bear Suicide, God Hates Figs, Department of Homeland Obscurity, Flames for Flames, Muscle Confusion, Nothing Rhymes With Orange, Everything Rhymes With Orange, Punch Face Champions, Rad Wagon, Puppy Pendulum, Possum Pendulum, Penis Pendulum, Handrail Suicide, Angel Snack, Just the Tip, Threeskin, Jet Black Pope and Scarecrow Boat).
And just for fun - Ron dancing.
Amy Poehler is a fabulous and if I can be a mix of her and her character, Leslie Knope, when I grow up (with my own little flair), I'll be happy. The quote above is something I think on a daily basis. I know some amazing women in my life. These women are sassy and full of life and completely weird but I love them. What more could you ask for than strong, smart women in your life who constantly build you up?
Well, the only other thing I could ask for would be to meet Amy Poehler in real life (as opposed to in my dreams where we sit and talk about a wide variety of issues and then pig out on ice cream and pizza watching her "Best of" DVDs from SNL and never gain weight).
"Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful."
-Annette Funicello (Thanks to Gretchen for posting this quote on facebook...because I stole it from her.)
#np - Satisfied by Jewel
You can't do much more than sway to this song. However, I need a reminder of the truly satisfying things in my life today because I'm going to a career fair on campus and I think I needed this. :)
The good news is that my suit still (barely) fits. I have personalized cover letters/resumes for each employer I'm interested in and my "I mean business" heels. Please, let me find a job early so I can stop worrying about this.
My dad controlled the radio on vacations and road trips while Jon and I were growing up. And no matter where we went, it was the Eagles, Pink Floyd and Air Supply. Oh and Chicago. Ah, memories.
Jon and I are no longer invited on vacations with Mom and Dad anymore.
#np - Rock and Rock by Led Zeppelin
(rec from my Pop)
In honor of visiting my parents in Paducah, I give you a song my dad had on repeat when it used to drive from Virginia (where he was stationed with the U.S. Navy) to Kentucky to visit my mom.
PS They celebrated their 35th anniversary on August 30th. They're awesome.
I'm on my way to Paducah. Today will be all about jamming out in my car to break up the monotony of this four hour drive. At least I get to see these two people at the end of it!
Tor and the Original TBopp (credit to the person that took this picture on my Mom's iPhone)
"All I can do is be me, whoever that is." -Bob Dylan
#np - Independent Women Part 1 by Destiny's Child
Dear Destiny's Child,
We need a reunion album with the same "make me wanna dance!" songs as before.
A fan
Today is another LONG class day. Thursdays are definitely the worst. But, tomorrow I leave for Paducah and the 17th Ever BBQ on the River which is my favorite hometown event of the year.
The BBQ on the River has always relied on community and volunteer support. The BBQ vendors donate their profits to various Paducah charities and the 5K is supported by lots of local businesses. I volunteered at several of the first BBQ 5Ks with my swim team. We took the tags off the runners as they finished. Several vomited on me in the process. It wasn't a pleasant experience. I'd rather run the 5K than do that ever again. I think it's one of those things they could only get kids to do. #beingolderbonus
The other day on campus I was sitting outside Patterson Office Tower between classes with a few classmates. We were chatting and snaking on treats we'd brought since our classes usually go until 9pm. As I watched people walk through the plaza, I noticed a boy walk by and he caught my eye. No, not for that reason. He caught my eye because he was SUPER YOUNG and I thought he might be lost. My maternal instinct kicked in and I started thinking through the options of flagging him down and calling campus police. Then noticed that he had a backpack on.
Upon further observation, it dawned on me that this kid wasn't lost. He wasn't wandering around campus looking for his field trip group. He was a freshman. A little, itty, bitty, ickle freshman. Born in 1993 after the internet was created. After President Clinton was elected. Possibly after The Wonder Years ended on TV. He was watching Barney & Friends when Kerri Strug clinched the women's gymnastics gold medal for Team USA in the 1996 Olympics. His mom could have given birth when "Whoomp (There it is)" was a top 10 song on Billboard.
I can't tell you how old I felt in that minute. I practically ran to class (and then spent 10 minutes catching my breath). Good thing I didn't chase that kid down.
#np - Don't Stop Believin' by Journey (but we're doing the GLEE version today)
Glee starts back tonight.
Emily and I at the Glee Live Concert in L.A. in 2010 (photo credit: smashface by me).
Glee may not have won any Emmys the other night but I personally think they do a lot more for our culture in the way of helping people to become more tolerant and accepting. That's enough for me.
Now, Amy Poehler and Steve Carell not winning are completely different. Robbed.
God, I love this song. Lately my thoughts are constantly on what's coming my way next. I graduate in May and I am in the process of finding a job, applying, etc. It's stressful. I put a lot of pressure on myself. So, this may be my theme song for the next 8 months.
Yesterday was wonderful. Seriously, between all the calls, texts, facebook messages, a birthday lunch and a personal funfetti cake delivery, I couldn't feel more special. I had six long hours of work at my graduate assistantship and six LONG hours of class. And after class I had enough gas left in the tank for some phone calls and then I passed out from a cake/sugar crash on my couch watching The American President.
"We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that
Death will tremble to take us."
-Charles Burkowski
#np - Happy Birthday by The Beatles
It's my 29th birthday. I'm not going to act coy about this. IT IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! This journey officially starts. I started the morning with "Happy Birthday" by The Beatles. I laughed. I felt like an idiot. Barkley danced with me and now just wants to play. This may be good for him, too! I have to provide for both of us so I'm off to campus for work and then 6 hours of class this afternoon/evening.
I do get lunch with Juanita and Cole though as well as a "surprise" visit from Brian on campus. It's going to be a great (rainy) day!
Mornings like this will be difficult to celebrate.
I woke up with a crick in my neck. Clearly I'm getting old. My body is revolting against me. I've learned over the last year that stretching in bed in the morning is bad. It almost always results in a stabbing pain in my neck for an entire day or two.
Yesterday morning, one such pain started and I ended up going back to sleep to try to "reset" my neck. I thought it worked. I woke up later with no pain and went about my day which involved studying and researching/applying for government jobs. Now, the government job application process is extremely tedious but after about my fifth online application I was suddenly close to tears. My back hurt so bad. I popped some ibuprofen and got back to the tasks at hand but the pain lingered.
Close to tears? Considering going to bed at 7pm? These things are not me. I've watched my dad suffer from back pain for years. Crying about a little pain I'm having seems inconceivable. And going to bed early is really just so out of character for me that it is laughable.
But nevertheless, there I was. In pain. And feeling older than ever. I'm not even 29 yet (one week from today!) but there it was. Stress, a bad pillow and poor posture.
I already carry around ibuprofen, allergy medicine and a first aid kit in my backpack. What else can I do?
Dont' tell me to work out. I won't do it! No no no.
As we near my 29th birthday and the beginning of 367 Days of Celebration, I'm starting to plan out songs I want to celebrate with. I'm including some oldies as well as current hits. I'm resisting the urge to do two weeks straight of Adele and my general disdain for Lady Gaga prevents me from using too many of her songs (although "You and I" and "Edge of Glory" are amazing and will be used). Given my type-A personality and strong penchant for planning, I need song suggestions!
I'm not a hipster music connoisseur and I'm taking any recommendations you have. Don't feel like I'm going to turn my nose up at your suggestion. Leave them in the comments, tell me in person or tweet them to me. I don't care. I'll give you credit when I use the song though.
So get on it and tell me your favorite songs and artists!
"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional." -Chili Davis
Today I had an idea to blog the next year of my life.
What's it about?
Because on September 15, 2012, I turn 30 years old. And like every person, I had to decide whether to accept turning 30 or to resist it. I've found that my decisions varies based on the kind of day I'm having. However, while walking on campus today I decided that I'd have a positive attitude about getting older. Thirty is just a milestone, one of many. And as my friend, Jessica, said to me in an email today, "1. every day we age and 2. you're not old until you let yourself be." So, instead of dreading my 30th birthday and moaning about the woes of aging, I'm going to celebrate them every day.
How are you going to celebrate?
Each morning I will begin with a dance. My alarm will go off and I will have a song planned (or we'll go with something random!) and dancing in my pajamas with my dog, Barkley, will commence. There will be no makeup or clean hair. Hopefully just bad dancing and lots of smiles. This will not be filmed.
Then, I'll blog the song to commemorate one more day on Earth and perhaps talk about some sign of aging I noticed or something I'm grateful to have gotten to experience with my extra day. The point of the blog will be to celebrate this year and to not fear it. I want to have fun and take some of the stigma away from turning 30. The blog will count up and Day 367 will be my BIG BIRTHDAY.
Also, as the days progress, I'll introduce you to the important people in my life. My family, friends, co-workers, classmates, etc. These people are the ones that make my life worth living. Some days I'll chronicle the job searching process I've started and some days I'll have nothing to say. This blog won't be about the number of words or pictures. It won't be about posting funny videos or snarking on idiots I encounter. These things may happen on occassion but, for the most part, these posts will be about celebrating my additional day surrounded by love and smiles.
Why 367 days?
Well, there are 365 days in a year. The first +1 is because I plan on celebrating both my 29th and 30th birthdays with this blog. The second +1 is because 2012 is a leap year so I get an extra day of being 29. Thus, 367 days of celebration (although I doubt the celebrating will stop there).
When does it start?
Day 1 is Thursday, September 15! Get excited!
Anything else?
I'll be taking song suggestions (the only requirement is that you can dance like a fool to it - it can be polka for all I care) so feel free to leave me those. I'm also interested in how others have dealt with aging (graceful, denial, anger at the world). The more I think about it, the more I feel that society, as a whole, views aging as a bad thing...especially at my age. I'm taking that back I refuse to adhere to some arbitrary sense of getting old and I refuse to think that my life isn't of value because I'm older. I hope to have a lot of years left and this is my first step at loving every minute of it.
I hope to live to be 100 years old some day and I plan to look back on this year fondly.
#np (which is twitter-speak for Now Playing...like a song that is now playing) - I'm So Excited by The Pointer Sisters (from my birth year, 1982).