Where It All Started

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 119

#np - Faith by George Michael

Today's song and dance has a double meaning.  

First, I started watching Downton Abbey last night on Netflix.  It's a British TV show that plays on PBS here in America.  It's wonderful.  I love all things British and this is no exception.  So I needed a British artist for today.

Second, I've been missing something in my life very recently.  This missing thing has made me forget that things will work out.  That things work out because I'm a hard worker and won't give up.  It may not be perfect but it will be good.  I've talked about the amount of stress I've been under between school and finding a job.  As my last semester of school starts today, that stress only increases.  I will graduate with an incredible amount of student loan debt and a set timetable for repayment.  I will also graduate with a desire to settle down and start a career.  One that I can be proud of.  One that I've worked hard to be able to do.  And with the economy like it is and talking heads predicting much of the same over the next months, it's easy to get discouraged.

So I needed a song that would remind me to have a little faith.  

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely!

    It'll All work out. Maybe not right away, and not as directly as we all hope, but you are an awesome person, a hard worker, dedicated, and all-around kick ass! It'll be okay ! :)
