Where It All Started

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 350

#np - Carry On by Fun.

This week has been tough so far.  This blog is about celebrating life and getting older but when you're sick, that's a bit of a struggle.  I think it's far worse when you're taking care of someone or something that can't tell you where it hurts.  Poor Barkley has been sick this week.  Starting Saturday night, he couldn't keep anything down - water or food.  All day Sunday we worked on cleaning everything and trying to get some water in him.  All he wanted was food.  I thought he was doing better by the end of the night and he kept his food down all night into Monday morning.  

But as I came home over lunch to check on him I basically found him laying around little pools of vomit (sorry, TMI) and I got him to the vet ASAP.  I was so worried about dehydration.  HUGE shoutout to Plantation Animal Clinic in Louisville.  They just met Barkley a couple of weeks ago when he stayed with when I was in Nashville.  They made time to see him and took absolute care with him. I never felt stupid for talking about his symptoms.  They ended up giving him a little fluid sac injection under his skin (like a little camel back) and an anti-nausea injection with a followup call to discuss the need for x-rays if he doesn't get better.  They also gave us bland food for him to eat that would also keep him hydrated.

I think he's doing better now.  We're going to stay on the bland diet for a couple of days to give his digestive system a rest.  Plus, he loves that food.  The worst part of this was that he couldn't tell me what was wrong.  Like a baby or child, he could just cry and give me pointed looks.  

Through all fo this he's been super snuggly (which is pretty usual) and I can tell he trusts me.  Even when he was sick and vomiting he knew I'd be there for him and that he wasn't in trouble.  I don't like have a sick dog but knowing that he loves me as much as I love him is heartwarming.  It's sad thinking that as I get older, so does he.  I want to freeze him just as he is now so I have him forever.  I know it's not realistic but it's what I want!  Instead I will resolve to enjoy every day with this perfect dog - even the sick days.  He deserves it.  So do I.

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